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Member Security Awareness: A new scam is making the rounds where fraudsters are texting people, pretending to be their financial institution, and convincing them to hand over their debit or credit cards. In some cases, they are even coordinating at-home pickup to collect the cards.

Mazuma will never text or call you asking for your card or PIN. We will never send someone to pick up your card.

Stay alert and help spread the word to protect yourself and others!

Making Kansas City a Better Place to Live, Work, and Bank

Join Us!

Be part of something bigger.


is a Member-owned, not-for-profit financial institution serving Kansas City since 1948. We provide the same products and services as a bank, but with a local focus and dedication to giving back to our Members and our community.

Membership benefits* include:

•  Lower loan rates
•  Higher dividends
•  Fewer fees
•  Personalized service

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Who can be a Member?

Membership is available to individuals and businesses in Jackson, Cass, Clay, or Platte counties in Missouri and Wyandotte or Johnson County in Kansas.

All you need to apply is:

A social security number
A valid form of identification
A $1 deposit into a Share Savings account

People Helping People

Mazuma Credit Union was founded by Wyla and Joe Pinkerton as the Kansas City National Federation of Federal Employees Credit Union in November of 1948 with an initial deposit of just $5.00. The Pinkertons were a middle-class Kansas City couple who decided to start a local, grassroots, cooperative financial institution, guided by the principle of “people helping people,” that would provide Members a secure place to store and invest their money.  


From these humble beginnings, the Credit Union gradually expanded its products and services to provide for the financial needs of our Kansas City community. We built momentum together with our Members, each person’s contribution creating more opportunity for everyone. Improvements in technology allowed us to serve more people more effectively, and we grew steadily and intentionally over time.

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Our name was shortened toFederal Employees Credit Union (FECU) in 1969 and remained the same for the next three decades.In 1998, new federal legislation allowed us to welcome Members who live or work in the communities we serve. That same year, our Members voted to change our name to Mazuma, the Yiddish word for money. 


As Membership eligibility expanded, the Credit Union opened more branches across the Kansas City metropolitan area. We embraced emerging technologies to better serve our Members, updated our branding, and dedicated ourselves to Making Kansas City a Better Place to Live, Work, and Bank.


Today, we serve our Members and community with the same dedication to “people helping people” that we were founded to uphold.

When you bank with Mazuma, your money stays in Kansas City and helps make our community stronger. We give back to our Members and Community Partners by generously sharing our space, our time, and our resources.
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Our Space

We offer space in any of our three community rooms, free of charge, for local organizations to gather and brainstorm ways to improve our city.

Our Time

Through our 40 Hours for Good paid volunteer time program, Mazuma’s Team Members take an active role in bettering our communities.

Our Resources

We regularly donate to impactful local causes and organizations and give tens of thousands of dollars in grants yearly through our Mazuma Foundation.

mazuma foundation logo

The Mazuma Foundation was created in 2015 to centralize our efforts to give back to the communities our Members call home. The Foundation focuses on the core areas of community development, financial education, and the arts, and each year funds grants to a variety of 501(c)3 organizations throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area.

Non-profit organizations that positively impact our community are encouraged to check out the application at the link below!

Grant Application



Kansas City is the soccer capital of America!

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We’re proud to partner with Sporting Kansas City and Kansas City Current
as they bring the best of KC to an international audience.

What our Members are saying:

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Mazuma never lets me down. I'm not just a number here. I feel like I am valued.

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Winfred M.
Mazuma Member
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I've been a Member of Mazuma Credit Union for over 20 years. Mazuma has been with me through thick and thin - I appreciate that.

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Vickie A.
Mazuma Member
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Mazuma has wonderful, kind, compassionate people who do their very best to help with all of life's circumstances. Mazuma loans have helped me purchase automobiles, make home improvements, and assisted with educational expenses.

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Deborah D.
Mazuma Member
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I've banked with Mazuma for 32 years and I have always been very satisfied with the service given to me!

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Linda M.
Mazuma Member

Have we earned your interest?

Now earn your own!


If you’re in the metro, there’s a Mazuma.

With convenient branch locations across Kansas City and a commitment to exceptional Member service, we make in-person banking a pleasure, not a chore. Stop in and say hello!

Follow Us to Stay Connected

Keep up to date with our social channels – we’re sharing finance and security tips, changemakers in our community, credit union news, and more!


*Based on other financial institutions in our area.